January Recap (it snowed....a lot)

January included the conclusion of basketball season, many Snow Days (aka no school), a car incident, and lots and lots and lots of snow.   Luckily we only lost power during one storm and it was short-lived.  It also included a skate skiing lesson for mama.  Turns out I much prefer classic cross-country skiing!

I've heard from others that this is the most snow Durango has had in about five years.  Thank goodness last year was kind to us so we could ease in gently!  It's not so much the snow that has been tough, but more so the unknown - not knowing if school will be cancelled until the morning of, basketball games and practices being shuffled around, and the subsequent re-arranging of two work schedules to make it all fit. It feels like taking a puzzle apart and fitting it back together over and over again.

And yet, it's only for a season.  Spring will spring, the flowers will bloom, the snow will melt, the dirt will show itself again, and basking in the sun on our deck will resume once more.

Shoveling has been something extra special this year

Someone hit our parked car while Cody and I were snow tubing with friends. 
It's all good - they left a note and insurance covers the repairs.

Daily post-school entryway disaster

Riley getting some extra zzzzz's on the way to school.  

Riley's biggest fans!!

Such a fun season cheering for #3

Snapped a picture of this guy outside a patient's house

Tiger is ready for spring to hurry up already


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